
足球冷知識(21) - 請提供2002年10月31日,阿迪馬對奧林匹克艾米尼的入球名單





足球冷知識(21) - 請提供2002年10月31日,阿迪馬對奧林匹克艾米尼的入球名單 註:這場比賽是149比0,每一個在知識+回答的人也差不到copy過這一段新聞,但又有多人知道該比賽的入球名單嗎? 請註明: 1) 入球名單 2) 人球時間 註:如字數限制問題不能作答,歡迎只列出網頁連結 更新: 致 沖田艦長 & wongalankinhei 小的也曾經答過此問題,當然知道此事的來龍去脈。 但現在問題是:此149球的 (烏龍) 入球名單和時間。


據我所知,比數之所以咁大係因為奧林匹克艾米尼(下稱SOE)要抗議球證對佢哋不公平嘅判決,所以刻意一開波就係咁踢個波入自己龍門,根據網上資料,呢件事係由教練Ratsimandresy Ratsarazaka策刻。 其實SOE本身實力唔差,當年係衛冕冠軍,當年嘅非洲冠軍球會盃亦都爆冷贏到隊安哥拉球隊。 結果SOE俾人罰,有好多球員要停賽,包括下面呢位球員,佢當年係馬達加斯加國家隊隊長,效力SOE,但亦都被罰,我相信佢亦有份「入波」。 Mamisoa Razafindrakoto 2007-06-06 14:48:49 補充: 入波時間真係搵唔到住,但以為係另外幾個停賽球員的名字,相信佢哋亦有份「入波」。Dominique Rakotonandrasana(呢個係龍門)、Manitra Andrianaina "Nakata"、Rakotoarimanana Tolojanahary(Rakoto Kely) 2007-06-06 14:59:57 補充: 啱啱再上完網查過,其實當日入球場啲球迷見到SOE係咁入烏龍波,已經不斷去票務處要求回水,球場職員亦都無再紀錄入波名單,所以除非你當日有入嗰個球場睇波啦,如果唔係應該查唔番。聽聞有間電視台拍到其中十四球嘅過程,但好抱歉,呢樣我亦都搵唔到。另外據講當日個龍門直頭行開,俾自己班隊友係咁踢個波入龍門。


why 你要知道呢?|||||有關資料實在不詳, 唯有比段新聞同相片分享下 149-0 scoreline sets new record 圖片參考: A league match in Madagascar has produced a result that has to be a new world record. Newly-crowned Madagascan champions AS Adema thrashed their arch-rivals Stade Olympique I'Emyrne 149-0 in a top national league game. But it was not their outstanding skill that led to the outlandish scoreline. It was because Olympique deliberately scored one own goal after another in protest over a refereeing decision. Radio Madagascar reported that Olympique began banging the ball into their own net after their coach Ratsimandresy Ratsarazaka lost his temper with the referee. No contest Fans told the station that after the row between coach and official at Adema's home ground in the port of Toamasina, the visitors directed each kick-off directly towards their own goal. Adema's players simply stood around looking bemused as their opponents self-destructed. The presenter claimed the result was a new world record score in a first class match. Olympique were last year's Malagasy champions who were a surprise qualifier for the second round of the African Champions League this season. Adema clinched the Malagasy title last weekend.
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