
Maths Vector problem





The vertices A,B, and C of a triangle are given by the points (.1, 0, 2), (0, 1, 0), and (1,.1, 0), respectively. Find point D so that the figure ABCD forms a plane parallelogram. 我本書有答案,但係我想要STEPS,THX PS ANS. (0,?2, 2) or (2, 0,?2).


Let the coordinates of D be (x, y, z) vector AB = (0i + 1j + 0k) - (-1i - 0j - 2k) = i + j - 2k vector CD = (xi + yj + zk) - (1i - 1j - 0k) = (x - 1)i + (y + 1)j + zk vector DC = - vector CD = (1 - x)i - (y + 1)j - zk Since ABCD forms a parallelogram, AB = CD and AB // CD (property of parallelogram). Thus, vector AB = vector CD or vector AB = vector DC. i + j - 2k = (x - 1)i + (y + 1)j + zk or i + j - 2k = (1 - x)i - (y + 1)j - zk x = 2, y = 0, z = -2 or x = 0, y = -2, z = 2 Therefore, the coordinates of D are (2, 0, -2) or (0, -2, 2)


我應為從一個三角形做出一個平行四邊形應該有三個答案: AB 變成平行四邊形的對角線。 BC 變成平行四邊形的對角線。 CA 變成平行四邊形的對角線。|||||The vertices A,B,and C of a triangle are given by the points (-1,0,2),(0,1,0),and (1,-1,0),respectively.Find point D so that the figureABCD forms a plane parallelogram Sol 設D(a,b,c) (1) 平行四邊形ABCD a-1=-1-0,a=0 b+1=0-1,b=-2 c-0=2-0,c=2 D(0,-2,2) (2) 平行四邊形ABDC a-1=0+1,a=2 b+1=1-0,b=0 c-0=0-2,c=-2 D(2,0,-2) 2013-02-21 13:38:22 補充: (3) 平行四邊形ACBD a-0=-1-1,a=-2 b-1=0+1,b=2 c-0=2-0,c=2 D(-2,2,2)

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